How to Support Your Husband During a Job Loss

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For the past few weeks, our family has been in a season of uncertainty and change.

On a unusually busy Tuesday morning, our kids were home for a snow day when my husband received the most unexpected and upsetting news. After seven years of being with his company, he was notified that his position was being eliminated and he would be on administrative leave effective at 5PM the same day.

To say that we were shocked was the understatement of the century.

We immediately began scrambling to coordinate sick leave for myself so that I could care for our kids while my husband took care of trying up loose ends before the end of the work day. Over the next few days, the stress of the situation was unbearable and we felt the weight of the job loss on our shoulders. Through it all, we bonded together the best we could and learned the true strength of our marriage.

If you and your husband find yourself facing a job loss, it can be challenging and overwhelming.

But this is the time to walk alongside your husband and provide support where you can. Here are some suggestions to help your marriage and family navigate the challenges of a job loss with grace.

  1. Show Empathy and Understanding:
    • Acknowledge and validate your husband’s and your own feelings. Losing a job can be emotionally challenging, and your spouse may be experiencing a range of emotions, including frustration, disappointment, or even fear. You may be experiencing similar feelings as well. Make sure that you communicate your emotions too when the time is right.
  2. Communicate Openly:
    • Foster open communication about the situation. Discuss your spouse’s concerns, hopes, and plans for the future. Share your own feelings and concerns, creating a supportive environment where both of you can be honest about the challenges that lie in front of you.
  3. Assess Your Financial Situation:
    • Together, assess your financial situation. Create a budget and prioritize essential expenses. Discuss financial goals, short-term and long-term, and make adjustments as needed.
  4. Encourage Self-Care:
    • Job loss can be stressful, and it’s important to prioritize self-care. Encourage your spouse to take breaks, rest, and engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Ensure that both of you are maintaining a healthy routine, including proper sleep, exercise, and nutrition.
  5. Help with Practical Matters:
    • Offer practical assistance, such as updating resumes, searching for job opportunities, or networking. Share household responsibilities to ease the workload and allow your spouse time and energy for job searching. If you also work, it may be best to take a day off (if practical) so you can be available to help with family tasks. This will free up your husband so he can focus on dealing with the job loss.
  6. Reassure and Support Their Worth:
    • Remind your spouse of their skills, accomplishments, and the value they bring. A job loss does not define their worth. Their worth is found in Christ alone! Offer words of encouragement and express your belief in their ability to overcome this challenge.
  7. Explore New Opportunities:
    • Encourage your spouse to explore new career paths, consider further education or training, or even pursue passions that may lead to a different career direction. Be open to discussing potential changes and support their efforts to adapt and grow professionally.
  8. Maintain a Positive Outlook:
    • While acknowledging the difficulties associated with the job loss, focus on maintaining a positive outlook. Express confidence in your spouse’s ability to overcome this difficult situation and be successful in the future. You can also celebrate small victories and milestones during the job search process.
  9. Use Your Support Network:
    • Encourage your spouse to reach out to friends, family, Pastor or Church family. Having a strong social network can provide emotional support and help ease the burdens of the job loss.
  10. Plan for the Future:
    • Work together to create a plan for the future. Discuss long-term goals, career aspirations, and steps to achieve them. This situation is as an opportunity for growth and positive change, both individually and as a couple.

Remember that navigating job loss is a collaborative effort. By being supportive, understanding, and proactive, you can help your spouse through this challenging time and strengthen your marriage in the process.

For us, there was a happy ending!

After many hours of resume building, phone calls and networking with previous management, my husband was able to transition to a new position within his company within a few weeks. The Lord is gracious and we are so grateful for His provision during this trial. Our marriage was strengthened through this challenging situation and my hope is that our story can be an encouragement to you if ever face a job loss.

If you are a Veteran Mom that is working through a job loss or needs assistance with job placement, please visit our Resources page for more information.

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